The History of Modern France: : From the Revolution to the War on Terror
Jonathan Fenby

The History of Modern France: : From the Revolution to the War on Terror

With the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815, the next two centuries for France would be tumultuous. Bestselling historian and political commentator Jonathan Fenby provides an expert and riveting journey through this period as he recounts and analyses the extraordinary sequence of events of this period from the end of the First Revolution through two others, a return of Empire, three catastrophic wars with Germany, periods of stability and hope interspersed with years of uncertainty and high tensions. As her cross-Channel neighbour Great Britain would equally suffer, France was to undergo the wrenching loss of colonies in the post-Second World War as the new modern world we know today took shape. Her attempts to become the leader of the European union is a constant struggle, as was her lack of support for America in the two Gulf Wars of the past twenty years. Alongside this came huge social changes and cultural landmarks but also fundamental questioning of what this nation, which considers itself exceptional, really stood - and stands - for. That saga and those questions permeate the France of today, now with an implacable enemy to face in the form of Islamic extremism which so bloodily announced itself this year in Paris. Fenby will detail every event, every struggle and every outcome across this expanse of 200 years. It will prove to be the definitive guide to understanding France.

Book Details:

  • Author: Jonathan Fenby
  • Published Year: 2015
  • Rights Sold
    • UK: Simon & Schuster
    • US: St Martin's Press
Jonathan Fenby

Jonathan Fenby

Jonathan Fenby has published twenty books, mainly on modern global history, China and France. In a journalistic career spanning four decades, he was Editor of The Observer, the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong (during the handover from Britain to China) and Reuters World Service. He also held senior editorial posts at The Economist, The Independent and The Guardian and has been a foreign correspondent in Vietnam, Germany and France where he spent twelve years working for Reuters, The Economist and The Times. After returning to the UK from Hong Kong in 2000, he was a founding partner of...
More about Jonathan Fenby

Book Reviews

  • "A great read."
    BBC History Magazine
  • "Fenby writes with the authority of experience…There is much to enjoy in Fenby’s fluently written history and much to learn from it too....Brave and ambitious."
    Times Literary Supplement
  • "Admirably lucid ….As Fenby puts it, France is a prisoner, trapped under the weight of its history."
    The Observer
  • "With a good feel for political atmosphere … this book  is a feast of tidbits about French history."
    New York Times
  • "Well-narrated…commonsensical yet sensitive."
    Wall Street Journal.