Joff Sharpe's latest piece for HuffPost

When the Wolf Lost His Smile

In the world of job interviews, a strange but recurrent - and somewhat Google-esque - question is posed; if you could be any animal, what would it be? This elicits bizarre responses, like the potential recruit of a technology firm who responded that he would be an amoeba since this would enable him to create complex cell structures and ultimately any other creature that he aspired to be. He failed to get the job. But what on earth were his interviewers hoping for? Snakes and donkeys seem like a poor bet but what about a lion? Ostensibly brave but essentially a violent meat-eater with multiple wives and poor hygiene. A more illuminating question might be this: ‘If you could be a wolf - and more specifically a Wolf of Wall Street - would you choose to be one?’

About article author

Joff Sharpe

Joff Sharpe

Joff Sharpe is one of Britain's more colourful businessmen. Unusual entries on his CV include: a year living amongst the Iban headhunters of Borneo, a stint as an SAS officer, running an Internet company for Rupert Murdoch and being Piers Morgan's HR Director! Over the last 23 years he has h...More about Joff Sharpe