Joff Sharpe advises royalty

‘Strange things happen when you put your hand up and say you want to help Britain’s combat Veterans secure civilian employment when they leave the Service. At short notice, and with little qualification other than this general willingness, I found myself sitting at a table with HRHs Prince William and Harry, a three star General and twenty international captains of industry. The meeting was the brainchild of the Princes’ Royal Foundation and its purpose was to develop some joined-up thinking between the military and business when it comes to veteran resettlement…’

Full article: Huffington Post

About article author

Joff Sharpe

Joff Sharpe

Joff Sharpe is one of Britain's more colourful businessmen. Unusual entries on his CV include: a year living amongst the Iban headhunters of Borneo, a stint as an SAS officer, running an Internet company for Rupert Murdoch and being Piers Morgan's HR Director! Over the last 23 years he has h...More about Joff Sharpe