Simply Radiant: Practical Techniques to Turn Back the Years
Jane Warren

Simply Radiant: Practical Techniques to Turn Back the Years

If you want to grow older with the confidence, glowing health and energy to enjoy your mid-life, this book is full of inspiring advice. Bharti Vyas, a natural health and beauty therapist, enables every woman to feel and look their very best. She includes:
• Answers to your beauty problems – from thinning hair to dry skin and wrinkles
• Mid-life health issues – from strong bones to a healthy heat
• Acupressure massage routines for the head, hands and feet
• Dietary advice for your mid-life and menopause
• Recipes rich in the phytoestrogens, vitamins and minerals you need
• Enjoying sex and increasing intimacy with your paratner
Bharti Vyas offers you a practical book full of excellent home treatments. She also gives you warm and down-to-earth advice on how to keep your life full of positivity and more buoyant self-esteem. 

Book Details:

  • Author: Jane Warren
  • On Submission
  • All rights are available
Jane Warren

Jane Warren

Jane Warren is an accomplished ghost writer with more than 18 years experience. She has ghosted six non-fiction titles and has also written two non-fiction books under her own name.  Her publishers have included Harper Collins and Hodder Headline. In 1997, she ghosted One Up: A Woman in Action with the SAS for Harper Collins. This was the story of a female undercover agent who spied for the SAS in Northern Ireland. It attracted a six-figure advance and was serialised in the Mail on Sunday over three weeks. In 2003, she co-wrote Fear-Busting: A Proven Plan to Beat Fear and Change You...
More about Jane Warren

Book Reviews

  • "Holistic beauty therapist Bharti Vyas concentrates on ageing women in Simply Radiant, written with Express journalist Jane Warren. Although Bharti does not spare the grisly details of what happens during menopause – thinning hair, weight gain – she insists we can overcome them with natural therapies and a positive philosophy. Good step-by-step acupressure guide, food plans and recipes."
    Daily Express