Katharine Quarmby gives keynote speech

Author and journalist Katharine Quarmby gave a keynote speech last week at the Council of Europe’s conference to make the passing into law of the Istanbul Convention, which will give greater protection to women suffering gender based violence in Europe. She spoke about the case of Diana Kader, and the book she is co-writing with her, Hear My Cry, about ‘honour’ based violence. Laura Boldrini, the Speaker of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (the Lower House of the Italian Parliament) commented on the speech here.

Katharine also contributed to a BBC Radio 5 Live documentary on disability hate crime this weekend, which you can listen to again here, drawing on her first book, Scapegoat: Why we Are Failing Disabled People.

About article author

Katharine Quarmby

Katharine Quarmby

Katharine Quarmby is an award-winning writer, editor and journalist with extensive knowledge of writing and editing across multiple formats. She recently launched a new investigative journalism unit at the human rights organisation Liberty, following working as engagement lead at the Bureau of In...More about Katharine Quarmby