Good review for Katy Long

Katy Long’s Kindle Single The Huddled Masses: Immigration and Inequality has received an excellent review in the latest issue of International Socialism.

“Part of an anti-racist project is to address this confusion by exposing the lies and providing a facts-based truth. Long’s book helps us do this. It is a short, accessible and useful resource, discussing many of the key issues concerning immigration and more generally providing excellent data with which to undermine racist interpretations of immigration. Though primarily focused on the UK, the book provides valuable insights into general worldwide trends and issues… Long’s book is a valuable resource for anti-racists and I would urge people to buy it.”

Full review - International Socialism

About article author

Katy Long

Katy Long

Katy Long is a lecturer at Edinburgh University and a research associate at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. As a child, the experience of immigrating to Canada (and then later returning to the UK) left her with a deep interest in national identities, international borders and ho...More about Katy Long