
  • I Miss Mummy is No 2

    23 Aug 2010

    As well as being at no 3 in The Sunday Times bestseller list, I Miss Mummy is at no 2 in WHSmiths non-fiction bestseller chart.

  • New edition of Juliet Barker's Conquest

    18 Aug 2010

    Juliet Barker’s Conquest: The English Kingdom of France has had another paperback reprint of another 10,000 copies.

  • Agency Representation by Year

    18 Aug 2010

    I’m often asked how many authors I take on and sell each year. Here are the top 100 active authors – sold and still writing - broken down by when they first joined the agency. Inevitably there will be more writers in recent years as many books were one-offs and the authors no longer writing.

    Pre 1994 when new agency contact introduced – 8 1995 – 1 1997 – 2 1998 – 1 1999 – 4 2000 – 3 2001 – 8 2002 – 3 2003 – 6 2004 - 13 2005 – 4 2006 – 10 2007 - 17 2008 - 12 2009 – 6 2010 – 2

  • Red One is Amazon bestseller

    17 Aug 2010

    Kevin Ivison’s memoir of his time as a bomb disposal officer, Red One, has become an Amazon bestseller on the strength of some good reviews and a Mail on Sunday serial.

    1 in Books > Society, Politics & Philosophy > Warfare & Defence > Weapons & Equipment 1 in Books > History > Military History > Weapons & Warfare > Conventional 1 in Books > History > Countries & Regions > Asia > Middle East > Arabian Peninsula
  • Indian Superfood goes to No 1

    17 Aug 2010

    Gurpareet Bain’s Indian Superfood has gone to No. 1 in Indian Food (National and International Cookery) and No. 3 in Healthy Eating (Diets and Healthy Eating) on Amazon on the strength of this piece in the Sunday Times:

  • I Miss Mummy stays in bestseller list

    17 Aug 2010

    Cathy Glass’s fostering memoir I Miss Mummy which was number 2 last week remains in the non-fiction paperback list at number 3.

  • Two Little Brown Agency Books in Promotions

    05 Aug 2010

    Waterstone’s will be promoting the paperback edition of Lawrence James’s Aristocrats in their Summer Reading 3 for 2 promotion.

    Adrian Weale’s SS: A New HIstory will be promoted airside in WHSmiths Travel in the ‘2 for £20’ promotion

  • I Miss Mummy no 3

    03 Aug 2010

    Cathy Glass’s I Miss Mummy is at number 3 this week, selling 5,612 copies.

  • Novel fish and chip recipe

    03 Aug 2010

    Gurpareet Bain’s Indian Superfood has generated a lot of interest. His recipe for fish and chips is now running on Love Reading here:

  • In the Key of Genius shoots up Amazon

    03 Aug 2010

    After Derek Paravinci’s apearance again on Sixty Minutes, Adam Ockelford’s book on him In the Key of Genius has shot to No 73 on